Thursday, December 25, 2014

Author Study and Story Writing

Originally posted on 9/30/14

After watching a video about Oliver Jeffers (, my students and I read The Incredible Book Eating Boy and discussed what needs to go into a story:

"Words!" (I rambled off several words that didn't make sense together). hmmm, "Sentences!"
"Yes, true. (ramble off a sentence - something about black spots on the ceiling - we don't have black spots on the ceiling btw) Is that enough?"
"What else do we need?"
"A capitol letter at the beginning!"
"Right. What else?"
"A period at the end!"
"OK. Anything else?"
Two different students about the same time: "A beginning, a middle - where there's a problem, and a solution/end."
"YES! What needs to be in the beginning?"
"Um, 'Once upon a time'..."
Ooh, that's a great example. What is that part of? Look at the "Follow the Yellow Brick Road" posters...

This continued for quite awhile, but we did get to all the basic needs of a story and now they're all contently writing away :)